WARNING: Dr. Nadia gets you pregnant!

I have a reputation for "getting people pregnant". Lol. I was told many times that people came to look for me because they overheard somebody say "Be careful. Don't go to that Doctor unless you want to get pregnant." I can see how this could be an issue for some people...but for others, it's a welcomed miracle!
My favourite story is that of a couple that had been married for 13 years, had adopted a little girl 7 years before, and then got pregnant (accidentally) TWICE after coming to me to "improve their diet"! Early on in my career I figured out that when people went on "my diet" it somehow improved their fertility (not everyone was thrilled about that). I have to admit that for a long time I didn't quite get "how", and it didn't matter really, but I often told them it was a consequence of the "detox" or the loss of weight (even a minor loss).
When I suffered with infertility, I was so desperate that I went on fertility drugs. Unfortunately the second time around the drugs didn't work and my husband and I weren't quite ready to do IVF. That's when my Mozambican doctor put me on Metformin. Metformin is a diabetic drug. I have mentioned previously that I (and about 10% or more of women) have PCOS. So my fantastic doctor told me that because of the INSULIN RESISTANCE I wouldn't be able to get pregnant even with the fertility drugs (unless I did IUI or IVF). I will also admit that I wasn't following "my diet" at the time. The PCOS totally messed with my sugar cravings and I developed Postpartum Depression after the first pregnancy. Like most stubborn doctors, I didn't want to look for help. I thought I could "treat myself". Long story short, I got pregnant. Even still it wasn't an immediate click for me, only much later did I realize that the reason why my patients got pregnant was because a LOW CARB Diet reduces blood sugar and insulin levels. Brilliant!
NOTE: Metformin has not been approved as a fertility drug in North America, but LCHF is always there!