Why people are telling you NOT to go on an LCHF Diet...
I know lots of people that need to go on a diet, but won't. The excuses are varied...some are very honest. But I want to focus on the...

You know it's been a busy summer when ...the last time I wrote a blog post was June 22, 2016. My best intention is to write a relevant...

Is "FAT" the new "NORMAL"?
So this week a health website posted this chart to Facebook, and the backlash was OBESE (diet practitioner humor). There were hundreds of...

It's Personal
Doctors are doing exactly what they are SUPPOSED to be doing. When they tell you to eat at least 120 g/d of grains, they are following...

Diabetes: A Historical Look
di·a·be·tes mel·li·tus məˈlītəs,ˈmeli-/ noun noun: diabetes mellitus The term Diabetes comes from a Greek word meaning "siphon", coined...

Forget the Paleos: What happened to our Native People?
When talking LCHF, a lot of attention is focused on the Paleolithic people and what they ate. This is in part due to the overwhelming...

LCHF: What's in a name?
The LCHF "umbrella" What's in a name? "That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet." Romeo and Juliet (II, ii, 1-2)...