Keto and Intermittent Fasting: A Practical Guide for Metabolic Syndrome
Dr. Nadia Brito Pateguana, dietary coach for the IDM (Intensive Dietary Management) Program discusses a Keto Diet and Intermittent...

PCOS and Insulin Resistance: Part 8 Fertility Treatments
Medical science, particularly in the field of fertility, has advanced by leaps and bounds. Fertility stimulation therapies such as the...

PCOS and Insulin Resistance: Part 7 PCOS and Obesity
Weight, and Obesity more specifically, is a pre-existing and pre-disposing condition and risk factor for many, if not most, of the...

PCOS and Insulin Resistance-Part 6.2 Testimonials Melissa
Melissa’s is also one of my favourite stories, unlike Gabi’s, Melissa’s story was not simple at all. Her journey was convoluted and...

PCOS and Insulin Resistance-Part 6 Testimonials Part 6.1 Gabriella, Hugo and Baby A.
“Beautiful Banting Baby” I really like Gabi’s story because it is simple, clear-cut PCOS. But like every other story, there’s always a...

PCOS and Insulin Resistance-Part 5.2 A Low Carb Diet for PCOS
Figure 1 Keto Diet In early 2010, when I was diagnosed with PCOS (officially, because I knew something was off for a while), I didn’t...

PCOS and Insulin Resistance: Part 5.1 A Dietary Approach to PCOS
On my last blog I alluded to the fact that some women, maybe MANY women, with PCOS could help or reverse their condition through dietary...

PCOS and Insulin Resistance: Part 5 How to treat PCOS?
The current conventional PCOS treatment focuses on managing the patient’s individual signs and symptoms. The specific treatment...

PCOS and Insulin Resistance: Part 4.4 Differential Diagnosis
PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) is a syndrome whose diagnosis is given by exclusion. A "Syndrome" is defined as “a group of symptoms...

PCOS and Insulin Resistance: Part 4.3 PCOS Signs and Symptoms
Below I will list the most common signs and symptoms of PCOS presented to clinicians and their prevalence in women with PCOS. As noted...