Real Food Recipes
You will find Real Food Recipes that will fit into any "diet" here and are perfect for following TRE and IF. Real food recipes are rich, nourishing and satiating!
All sources are properly referenced in full recipe section.
As you may have heard by now, bone broth has many uses and health benefits. This may be the MOST important recipe on here. I adapted this recipe from but I have made some changes to it.
294. Paleo Pancakes
I'm calling these "Paleo" pancakes because I want to clarify that you may not stay under 20g of net carbs by eating these (although I do, most of the time). This is a Low Carb recipe that I have changed and modified a million times over. I have added flax seeds...I have removed flax seeds. I have added applesauce... I have removed applesauce...This is where I am at RIGHT NOW.

293. Fat Feast Bread
Gamechanger! FF bread: 1 egg, 1 tbsp chia, 1 tbsp ground flax, pinch baking powder, 1/2 tsp butter. Mix well with fork in a microwave mug. Let sit for a couple minutes, nuke for 90 seconds. Let cool, slice and serve. Practically zero net carbs and done in a jiffy!
291. Bread "99"
I'm calling this Bread "99" because I probably have 98 other variations of it on here ;) Making bread is the biggest issue on keto. This delicious bread is adapted from a Paleo recipe I used to do many moons ago and I still make my kids’ pancakes with this recipe. Note that it has tapioca. A starch. The ingredients for a small loaf (I used 2 mini loaf pans) are in the picture below. It bakes easily for 30 minutes at 180C. Now...note that this is AT LEAST 4 servings (net carbs 37/4 equals less than 10 net carbs per serving) definitely worth it! Lastly, I slather lots of butter, I estimated about 125 g butter for this entire loaf, and when I put that into my macro count, you get 81% fat:8% protein: 11% total carbs perfectly Keto!!!
You can never have too many pizza recipes right? And so the Diet Doctor nails it again with this version.
287. Ajvar
"Anyone ever had Ajvar? It’s a Macedonian / Croatian roasted red pepper / eggplant spread (with garlic and good oil) Was missing it and couldn’t find it at the store - so made my own. So delicious and so keto! But my version didn’t use canola oil so probably for the best! Am fasting today, but can’t wait to spread it on some keto bread tomorrow (or maybe a steak!)" Thanks Jenn for the reminder that it's best to make our own, this recipe calls for seed oi, or EVOO, duh, use the olive oil!
286. Bloody Mary (Caesar) Pops
Summer is coming...and so is my obsession for SPICY CAESARS (Bloody Mary's for you Americans). How's this for a lovely switch (I have been told Vodka does not freeze well, so this might be messy!). Also, if you are strict Keto, keep in mind that a serving (8 fl oz/240 ml) of Tomato Juice/Clamato has about 10g net carbs...ouch. That might be my carbs for the meal. I will just have this with protein and fat lol, good to know.

285. Judi's Fat Feast Meal
This is called 'Fat Feasting to Perfection". No cooking required (bonus), filling (bonus), delicious (bonus).
-Baby spinach (sub with leafy greens of choice)
-Olives (sub green or black, to preference)
-Sardines, tinned, in spring water (sub eggs, bacon, wild salmon)
-Dressing: EVOO (Extra Virgin Olive Oil) and ACV (Apple Cider Vinegar)
-spices, to taste
And go...!

283. Grilled Ham and Cheese
This is not a new's a version of my new 90-second bread sandwich recipe, same ingredients, with some minor, but important changes.
1. Instead of 2 mini sandwiches, I used a larger glass microwavable round-bottom bowl and made a larger bread (about the size of an English Muffin, or slightly larger)
2. Instead of slicing into 4, I only sliced the bread into 2 (1 sandwich instead of 2 mini sandwiches)
3. I did not toast the slices. Buttered, then put in ham and cheese, and then grilled it! BAM, "Grilled Ham and Cheese"
282. Cajun Shrimp and Sausage Vegetable Skillet
Can you tell I love shrimp? I am from Mozambique, after all :) and I love easy recipes! Word of caution on hidden sugars in store-bought spice mixes. I always try to make my own. Here's a recipe for a do it yourself one:

281. Sunday Cocktail
I've started including some drink recipes on here, I guess since Judi's flavoured carbonated water, and we all know of the famous BPC recipes, but here's a lovely Sunday cocktail 🍹 thanks to hubby.
Mix of some Low Carb white wine with sparkling water and berries. You might notice a red pepper that my little one threw in there from her lunch for colour ❤️!
280. Seafood Cauli Risotto
This week has been a "family affair" for me, as my aunts, cousins and I have been exchanging Keto recipes with each other. This one was adapted from my cousin Marlene's Lobster Cauli Risotto, I used Shrimp. She served the Risotto with Baked Salmon and I served it with Steak. I also added extra Mozzarella cheese at the end which really made all the difference for me.

279. Judi's Lemon and Mint Fizzy Water
This is different kind of "recipe". Make your own flavoured carbonated water, with no sweeteners. Add lemon and mint, or whatever flavours you find "kosher".

278. Bacon Bok Choi
Not too much of a recipe here...I cut up bacon into a pan, let it cook in it's own fat for 1 minute, throw in washed Bok Choi, stir fry and serve! Season to taste (I used garlic, chilli peppers and salt).

271. Fennel, Radish and Lemon Zest Salad
A different kind of salad indeed, with enough Evoo, super nutritious too. I wish I had a proper reference for this but it was shared by one of my clients on our Facebook group.
Ingredients and How to Prepare:
Fennel, radish, salt, extra virgin olive oil, lemon juice and lots of lemon zest

270. Warm Chia Cereal
In my endless search for cereals for my kids, Denise shared this with me:
2 TBSP chia seeds, 2 TBS ground flax, 1/2 cup some kind of milk (I use unsweetened almond milk)
Dump it all in a saucepan, on medium heat, heat to boil , and keep stirring.
As soon as it firms up , it's done.
It took less than 5 mins from start to finish.
I added cinnamon.
You can add:
Butter, Cream
Peanut butter...
265. Almond Crackers/Cereal
This was a EUREKA moment for me! My 7-year old daughter asked for a "Healthy" Cereal. That's almost impossible, and especially for me cause I don't use sweeteners. But low-and-behold I made these crackers, broke it into little pieces, gave it to her with her milk (almond or otherwise), and she loved it!!!
256. Mexican Cauli Rice
I have a feeling I have this recipe here somewhere already, cause I love it. But maybe one of those that deserves to be mentioned twice ;) I make this with green onions instead of onion. Caution for hidden sugars in seasonings. I use salt, pepper, cumin and 🌶 and add black olives at end. I also don’t use chicken stock (but maybe broth would add some goodness)
254. Hot Gruyere Skillet Chicken Dip
Please ignore the fact that this picture has crackers on it, there are plenty of keto crackers that would go great wit this (I just posted a tortilla chip recipe today). Also, I have mentioned that I make all my soups and sauces/dips with homemade bone broth, and I would adjust for the amount of onions in this recipe. Otherwise, very, very tasty!
252. Coconut Cream Mushroom Soup
Can never have too many soup recipes. I make all my soups with homemade bone broth recipe (see recipe above). The person that shared this with me, Dolly, recommended having this with sour cream, sounds good to me! I wouldn't just have this soup, it isn't enough of a "feast" for me, but awesome as a keto side dish or starter (or ender, lol)

250. Butter Bob's Chili
Butter Bob (or fasting Bob as he also likes to be called, has the right idea. He serves this recipe with with shredded whole-fat cheese and sour cream (I would add some fresh green onions). Sounds about right. I woud use a little less onions and more fat (more keto), but it's good as is for most folks!
247. Bacon-wrapped Cod with Artichoke Pesto
I love this. Yes, Cod, another Portuguese favourite (I am mixed Portuguese after all). But the fact that it's a fattier fish, combined with bacon and pesto is Keto-perfection. I would modify this pesto and make it with pine nuts instead of pistachios. The green can be the Italian Parsley or spinach, basil, you choose.

246. Berry Heaven
I apologize for the quality of the picture. Sometimes I only think to take a picture when I've already eaten it and it tastes awesome. By no means am I a professional recipe maker, I am more of a professional recipe taster!
1 tsp Pure organic peanut butter
50g organic cocoa butter, melted in double boiler
1/2 tsp pure Cacau powder
Whipped HWC
1/3 cup Berries
Melt the cocoa butter, mix peanut butter and cacau powder. Whip the cream. Serve berries, top with cocoa mix and then whipped cream. Enjoy AFTER a meal.

244. Sardines in Spicy Tomato Sauce
Yes, I said the "S" word. Sardines. You either like them or hate them. Easy, cheap and healthy if you look at food the way I do. I buy canned sardines, hard to find them in water or olive oil. This is my biggest issue, it usually comes in soy oil. You could always use the frozen/fresh, but probably not gonna happen for most of you. I usually make them with a spicy tomato sauce, and keep an eye on the amount of onion or shallots because as a root vegetable these are higher in carbs. Traditionally these are served with either baked potatoes, rice or bread. We need to get creative here. I could see this tasting awesome with cauliflower mash, for example, here I ate them with zoodles. My tomato sauce is very high in fat as you will see, it always is.
1 can sardines,
1 shallots,
2 cloves garlic, minced
chillies, to taste
1 tbsp tomato paste (can use fresh),
1 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp lard
a bit water
salt and pepper, to taste
fresh parley, to garnish
How to: Heat the lard, fry the shallots and garlic, add the tomato paste, chillies, a bit of water to thin out the sauce. Add the canned sardines, lots olive oil, spices to taste. Garnish with parsley and serve.
243. Stone Age Bread
This would be a good recipe if all of you could eat one slice with a full Keto meal...which I don’t trust that some of you can... 😡 overdoing it on nuts, in my experience, seems to have a higher insulin response, especially if eaten as a snack outside of meals, with meals they seem to be ok for most people.

240. Coconut FatHead Dough Sandwiches
These are modified from a coconut flour recipe, great for school lunches as almond flour is not allowed. I made this for my husband and I and we both love it. It's a staple in our house. Great with prosciutto and cheese, I add may or butter to the bread, with a side of avo and olives. Definitely Keto.
Fathead dough (makes 4 slices):
1 cup mozzarella,
1.5 tbsp cream cheese (microwave both 1 minute).
1.5 tbsp coconut flour,
1 egg,
1/4 tsp baking powder,
pinch salt,
oregano, basil, garlic and onion powder (mix everything).
I was too lazy to bake this, so made 4 rounds and fried with butter (less fluffy, won't rise as much, baking would be better)
239. Egg Curry
I post a lot of vegetarian recipes, although I am not vegetarian, I have a lot of vegetarian patients and I can't overemphasize the importance of eggs, for them and everyone else. Here's a Keto Egg Curry recipe that is not too high in carbs (less onion than most recipes). Can be modified by adding tomato sauce and cream for those that want to and altering the spice content.

237. Shahina's FF Microwave Bread
When trying to FF (Fat Feast), here's a lifesaver.
2 eggs
1/2 tbsp psyllium husk
1.5 tbsp ground flax
1 tbsp olive oil
Pinch salt
1/4 tsp baking powder
Microwave 2 minutes (rises a lot!)
Remove, cool, cut and toast
Serve with butter, olives, avocado, more eggs, salmon...Yum.
235. Lauki Raita Grated Salad
So Lauki is bottle gourd, also known as Calabash, a type of squash. I love these yogurt salads to have on the side of something very spicy. Use high fat yogurt, of course, and I've heard you could do this with Coconut cream even. Calabash is low carb but like any other vegetarian dish, the carbs can add up so make sure to have it with something higher in fat and some protein (like eggs).
234. Almond Butter Cinnamon Cups
I like this video because it's a Low-Carb dessert with no sweeteners (sweeteners have an insulin response). Major warning against eating these on an empty stomach, you wanna have your nuts as part of your meal and not on their own or you could over eat them...
No website recipe yet, just a facebook video for now.
232. Taco Tomatoes
Taco "anything" will work for me, but this looks fun and yummy (albeit a bit messy!). If you haven't yet read this somewhere in here, let me remind you that my ground beef is always cooked in lard (you can sub with butter, avocado oil or coconut oil), bacon bits, egg, a bit of tomato paste and spices. This is how my grandma makes it, this is how I make it. I cook ahead and freeze in portion size containers so it's ready to use anytime, for taco salads, soups, TOMATOES, Jamaican patties, etc...
226. Cauliflower Tabbouleh
Ok, I said that my favourite cauli rice recipe was Indian, Sushi (Japanese), I say it is Arabic. Who knew cauliflower was so kind of "girl"!!!! I did add more olive oil, black olives and had it with a side of Tzaziki (full fat yogurt, olive oil, viegar, spices).

217. Dill Pesto Salmon/Halibut
Ok, so I apologize in advance for the poor quality picture and improper reference. I promise that I am on the trail of the proper reference. Google search has not even come close...Either way, this recipe just seems way too good not to share. This is one of my go-to recipes for dinner parties. I will write out the recipe here in case you can't read it properly from the pic.
1/3 cup each loosely packed fresh dill and parsley
1/3 cup chopped green onions or chives
1/3 cup toasted sliced almonds
1/4 cup olive oil
1 clove garlic, chopped
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
8 halibut (salmon) fillets or steaks
1 large roasted sweet rep pepper, cut into 8 strips
How to prepare:
-In a blender or food processor, chop together dill, parsley, onions, almonds, oil, garlic, salt and pepper until almost pureed.
-Line baking sheet with parchment paper or foil. Pat fish dry; place in single layer on one-half of paper. Spread each piece with 1 tbsp (15 ml) of the dill mixture. Top with red pepper strip. Fold remaining half of the paper over fish, crimping edges to seal.
-Bake in 425F (220C) oven for about 10 minutes or until fish is opaque and flakes easily when tested with fork. Makes 8 servings.
213. Salmon and Avocado Ceviche
Ceviche is the bomb! I actually like this recipe because it has avocado as well...obviously! Look up other ceviche recipes. If you like shrimp, that's an option too. White fish like tilapia (although most tilapia is farmed, at least around here, but that's a whole other topic).
212. Mixed Berry Jam
I talk about my mixed berry homemade, sugar-free, jam all the time. This is a variation of my recipe, cause I don't use arrowroot, some people use xanthan gum. Anyway. I make batches of this stuff cause I buy tons of organic berries in the summer. This is basically the only fruit my kids have during the week (I also make egg and banana pancakes for them a couple times/week). I freeze the jam, and then thaw out just the amount I will need over the next couple of days. For simplicity, you can have this with the peanut bread just posted and cream cheese. Just with organic peanut butter, and/or heavy cream. On top of any keto pancake/waffle recipe. Very very useful.
209. Shirataki Noodle Recipes
Shirataki noodles, aka Miracle Noodles, are made of Konjac Fibre, net carbs is 0. I like them a lot, and have quite a few recipes here that would go well with these. A few notes, my family HATES them, and I would use with caution as too much fiber can cause havoc in the GI system. Also, not all recipes on here are Keto, but a lot of good ideas for proper modifications.
208. Tuna Zpaghetti
So this is another one of my recipes, I actually used to have this with spaghetti, of course, now I have it with zpaghetti (zoodles aka zucchini noodles). I also added a bit of miracle noodles in there cause I wanted a different texture. This tasted as delicious as when I had it in school, major comfort food.
207. Steak and Eggs Cauliflower Hash
I am not even kidding that I've just posted 2 cauli recipes in a row, I wasn't joking about you better liking cauliflower and fast! I like this recipe because the serving portion of protein is perfect for keto (very different than a 9 oz/serving steak recipe! That would NOT be keto)
205. Chili
I know many of you are dying for a chili recipe. Here's one shared by one of my patients, I would make some modifications. I haven't put this into a macro count but probably not high in fat enough for keto, so I will work on that and let you know. Off the bat, I would ix pork meat as recommended below, I would use bone broth as usual, and I would serve with the Diet Doctor hamburger buns, I think, I might even try to make chili bowls out of that. Might add some cheddar to these when done.

204. Tuscan Pizza
My own recipes are the hardest to share, because I just "cook" but then I have to input everything into an app to make sure the macros are right, and get all the ingredients, to share with you guys...but here goes, this was delish, I have even had these same toppings on chia seed crackers and it might even taste better (sub pizza sauce for fresh tomatoes and voila!)
1 TBSP almond flour
2 eggs
1/3 cup shredded Mozzarella
1 tsp coconut flour
1/4 tsp baking powder
1 TBSP melted organic butter
seasonings to taste (salt, pepper, Italian spices)
2 TBSP Pizza sauce
2 slices prosciutto
1 handful of fresh basil
2 TBSP goat cheese
1 small tomato
10 black olives, sliced
1 TBSP EVOO and balsamic vinegar
How to prepare:
1. Pre-heat oven to bake at 180C.
2. Mix all dough ingredients (except butter), heat butter on small skillet (individual pizza size), cook dough for 3 minutes, covered, on 1 side, flip carefully and fully cook other side.
3. Let cool slightly, cover with pizza sauce, then toppings (tomato, goat cheese, prosciutto, sliced olives), place in oven for 10 minutes, remove and top with basil, EVOO, balsamic vinegar and spices to taste (e.g. salt, pepper, chili)

202. Dosa
My favourite recipes to share are those of my patients. Thanks Sudha, for another great one!
Keto dosa :
1/3 cup almond flour
1 egg
Bunch of cilantro
1 diced green chilli
2 Tbsp fresh coconut for topping
Mix all the above ingredients well .
Spread on dosa pan - like utapam.
Sprinkle the coconut on top .
Enjoy with green chutney.
201. Naan Bread with garlic melted butter
So you haven't already gathered...I love Indian food. I have/had given up on keto breads, but last night I made this recipe again with the most amazing Butter Chicken Recipe (on here) and I thought it tasted awesome! Give it a try if you haven't already. There are other naan recipes on here for variation...

200. Sudha's Cauliflower
I love to share my patient's awesome recipes and give them props! Thanks Sudha for the wonderful vegetarian recipes, keep them coming!
"Add 1 T cumin seeds and fennel seeds combined to 2 T ghee . Add the spices to the ghee and roast them for a few secs.I used coriander powder, chilli powder , paprika,Garam masala and pepper. Add the cauliflower and cook until done . Garnish with cilantro and julienned fresh ginger ." Straight from Sudha's mouth...ENJOY!
198. Taco Salad
I actually made this salad before I found this recipe. Pretty close to mine, except I basically included less meat, and loaded it with everything else! I seasoned the meat with cumin, garlic powder, salt and pepper, chili, bacon bits and egg (no onions), then cooked it in a bit tomato paste and lard. Let it cool before adding to salad. My ingredients were: meat (ground, previously cooked as above), romaine lettuce, sliced black olives, ripe tomatoes (no salsa), avocado, jalapenos, fresh cilantro, green onions, cheddar cheese. Seasoning was more garlic powder, cumin (lots), chili (including a whole fresh chilli, chopped), salt and pepper, lime juice, olive oil, and sour cream. This was to die for...if I can say so myself.
197. Jicama Fries
Low Crab...but not STRICT Low-Carb. Some of you might not do well with these, but many will. These are a root vegetable, similar to turnip in carb count (higher actually), but they turn out well as a french fry substitute (might well be worth it!). The trick here (as it says in the recipe...follow the recipe!), is to boil them in boiling water for 10 minutes before you bake them!!!
Imagine these as poutine with your keto gravy and cheese curds?!? YUM

192. Meat Pie with Cauli Mash
Besides being a great comfort food, this is also a great school lunch that I send my picky eater, she actually loves it. I pair it with pickles and olives for me, and YUM, reminds me of something my granny used to (and still does) make. The Brazilians call this "hide and go seek" lol, it's a pretty common recipe, I've just subbed in a few things.
1 cauliflower head
1/4 cup cream
2 tbsp butter
salt and pepper q.b.
1/2 pound ground beef
2 tbsp lard (bacon fat) or other fat of liking
2 tomatoes
1/2 onion
1/3 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
2 tbsp Parmesan cheese
How to prepare:
1. Make cauliflower mash (I use cauliflower florets, cooked then processed, add the cream and butter, salt and pepper). That's the first layer (cover the bottom of an oven safe dish).
2. Middle layer is ground beef, cooked in lard and light onion and tomato sauce (I blanched the tomatoes, peeled and seeded them, processed with onions) added to beef.
3. Final layer is another layer of cauli mash and then layered with mozzarella and Parmesan cheese. Preheat oven to 180 C and bake until cheese ready.

187. Egg-Mac and Cheese
So whenever you see amateur pics with kids' cutlery in it, you know they are my original recipes, right? This recipe can be slightly modified for a Fat Feast.
3 Eggs (scrambled)
3 TBSP butter
2 oz shredded cheddar cheese
salt and pepper q.b.
Heavy Cream (*optional)
Cauliflower "rice" (*optional)
Bacon Bits (2 rashers)
How to prepare:
Cut up 2 rashers of bacon really small and cook them up toasty on frying pan. Save for garnish. Scramble 3 eggs with 2 tbsp butter. Steam or microwave the cauliflower rice (if using), add it to the eggs. Microwave remaining butter, most of cheese and cream (if using) for 30 seconds. Add salt and pepper and mix. Pour over eggs and cauli and serve with bacon bits and rest of shredded cheese (or put in kids thermos and send to school!).

186. Peanut Butter and Jam
Yup, that's about it...Organic Peanut Butter and Homemade Organic Strawberry Jam. Mix together (maybe add some HC as in picture) and that's it! Delicious! (The picture does not do it justice!) No need for the bread, at all. Great for dessert (for me anyway). I have had it on cloud bread and that's awesome too!
Homemade Organic Strawberry Jam
Organic Strawberries
How to prepare:
Cook over medium heat until soft and fully cooked. Blend smoothly in food processor and freeze or keep in fridge for 2-5 days (I freeze in small portions and thaw as needed).

172. Seed Crackers
Can't go wrong with these...Here I used 1 tbsp of each seed (sesame, pumpkin, sunflower, flax), plus 3. Tbsp chia seeds. 1 tbsp evoo (extra virgin olive oil), 1 tbsp avocado oil. Himalayan salt. 1/3 cup water. Stir and let sit for 15 min. Either flatten out on parchment paper, very very thin layer, and dry out in oven at 200F for 45-60 min. If you use muffin trays, instead of an oven tray, you might have to remove and dry out further on oven tray in oven until crispy. There's another recipe in here with just chia seeds and rosemary.
166. Avocado Pickles
LOVE. This recipe calls for sugar...most pickle/fermented food recipes call for sugar. If you look at the net carb content per serving it is very little. You could do this without sugar at all. For fermenting recipes I believe you need the sugar to "feed" the fermentation buggers (you don't actually consume all that sugar, they consume about half!).
134. Keto Penguin Starters
First of all, these are SUPER CUTE and I'm sure taste amazing! Unfortunately this is a Facebook video so not sure if everyone can get into it, but give it a try. Also, the original recipe has an added prosciutto "scarf" that these little guys in the picture don't. How awesome is that?
133. Masala Paratha (Spiced Tortilla) and Paneer Butter Masala
Dudes, if there's anything that will make me throw my "diet" out the window, it's INDIAN food, so...anytime I can come across Keto Indian dishes I get excited! Since my background is not Indian, I need a step by step guide of how to mix the spices, otherwise it turns out to be a disaster, but the spicier the better for me. There's also a hidden curry recipe in here (Paneer Butter Masala) and perfect for all including vegetarians.
125. Cloud Bread
I am not sure how I haven't posted this before. Cloud Bread, it's all the rage. Everyone likes it. It is fluffy, easy to make, "light", and obviously nutritious! There may be many other versions of this, but this is the simplest and the only one you need. You can have as is, add butter, homemade jam, BLT, use it as a pizza "dough", let your imagination go wild!
124. Chicken Liver Pate
If you have some doubts about whether or not you should be eating Liver, I suggest you read my blog post on it (**hint, hint, you SHOULD). Here's a super easy recipe, it would probably taste better if it were duck pate (very chic), but this will do. Refer to the bottom of the recipe where it explains to you how to properly refrigerate (cover with butter). I have had this with Keto crackers, on pancakes, on keto breads etc.
123. Portuguese Hot Pot
As promised here is the "Cozido à Portuguesa" recipe. I chose this link cause I like how he makes rice "optional" and he totally explains the "spirit" of the dish. Put it simply, it's boiled beef, pork and chicken, with sausages, and vegetables to taste. If you are brave, you will try ALL the parts, if you are more conservative, stick to the more common cuts. Portugal is a small country, but every region has its own spin on this recipe, and everybody likes it better the way their Mama makes it! Either way, in my opinion, this is THE BEST dish in the world. For a more keto version, stick to the greens and cabbage as opposed to the root vegetables.

122. Homemade Berry Ice-cream
I have an ice-cream maker...but you could follow the traditional ice-cream recipe by blending and refreezing a billion times, if you don't want to invest in one, lol.
1 cup 35% cream,
1 tsp vanilla,
1 TBSP strained homemade berry jam,
1 TBSP erythritol

109. Megan's Chia Seed Crackers
- 1 cup chia seeds
- 1/2 cup water
- 1/4 cup EVOO (extra virgin olive oil)
- 1 tbsp Himalayan salt
- rosemary, optional.
**pre-heat oven to 200F**
1. Mix all ingredients except for the rosemary together and let sit for 15 min
2. Place the chia pudding between two large pieces of parchment paper, and roll flat with a rolling pin until about 1 chia seed in thickness (very, very thin).
3. Remove top parchment paper and slide the bottom parchment paper with the flatten seed mix on it on to a pan.
4. Sprinkle rosemary on top, optional.
5. Place in the oven for 45-60 min.
Serve in bite size pieces
104. Eggplant Rollatini
I personally just love the name ROLLATINI, makes TOTAL sense...There are a number of variations possible for this dish. Vegetarian, non-vegetarian, etc. Special word of caution regarding marinara sauce, make your own to ensure proper ingredients and Low-Carb. Thanks Adrineh (I also name THAT name :)
102. Low Carb (Hamburger) Buns
If you are anything like me, you may be forever hunting the perfect Keto bread recipe, or you may have just given up and stuck to you bacon and cheese sans bread. I still think this wonderful recipe has that Keto bread taste, but the texture and taste with a well-made hamburger patty is just PERFECT. One of my patients suggested I use 1 whole egg as opposed to 3 egg whites, and it turned out perfect. Also, I only used 1 cup of boiled water and it was enough.
Thanks Sorina and Sudha
82. Spinach and Cherry Tomato Quiche
Many times I post video recipes that are in another language...I don't like to have to translate them, but I will be nice today! Here is the English recipe
6 eggs
1 onion, minced
100g ricotta cheese
100g shredded mozzarella
2 cups spinach leaves
Salt and spices, to taste
Olive Oil, to taste
1 cup cherry tomato
Whisk the eggs in a bowl.
Add the onions, ricotta, mozzarella, and the spinach. Mix well.
Add the sat and spices and mix again.
Drizzle with olive oil and garnish with cherry tomatoes cut in half.
Bake in preheated over for 30 minutes. Wait 5 minutes before serving.
74. Whoopie Pie
Whoopie pie
1/4 cup almond flour
2 tablespoon dark cocoa powder
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
3 tablespoons Swerve, Xylitol, or other sweetener
2 tablespoons butter, melted
1 tablespoon water
1 egg
1 tsp vanilla
Pinch of salt
Mix together in a bowl. Spoon half onto a small plate and nuke for 30 seconds. Repeat for the second half.
For filling, whip 1 cup whipping cream until firm. Add sweetener and vanilla to taste. Continue whipping until almost butter- but not quite.
Recipe taken from 2keto dudes post who I had the pleasure of meeting in Colorado
67. Poutine
Com' are not really Canadian unless you LOVE poutine. I have seen so many versions of this keto recipe. I have even seen it with chicken instead of using cauliflower (like here), or parsnips or jicama, which seem to be the closest low-carb option. I would toast some bacon bits and add on top, now that's perfection!
**Vegetarian is use vegetable broth gravy

64. Major Piggie Power
Everyone watched "Sing", the cartoon Musical? I loved it. My favourite character was Gunther! I've been wanting to name a dish after him (I hope no one finds this offensive...). Anyway, I had Dark Chocolate Dipped Bacon at the 2Keto Dude's house in Colorado when we went to the Low Crab Breck conference. I would love to properly reference this recipe but I just can't find the exact one. It is so clean, pure and FABULOUS, just like Gunther!
Melt 90% Chocolate in a double boiler. Cook up some bacon until super crisp. Pat dry bacon, dip in chocolate. Let it set. Engulf.

57. Paneer
My wonderful patient, Anoo, from India, generously shared this family recipe with us. This is a staple for Vegetarians. The rest of us just get to enjoy it as a bonus!
Boil 4 cups of milk on stovetop. When it comes to boil add 1/2 cup lemon juice or vinegar. Strain through cheese cloth. Refrigerate until set. Low carb paneer ready to be devoured. You could chop it into cubes and sauté with spices for a delicious snack or use it in any other paneer recipe.
52. Pecan Tart
So my new friends, the 2Keto Dudes, had us over for a FANTASTIC dinner in Colorado and one of the ladies there made this delicacy for us. OH MY GAD! I do have to say that you could probably get away with using half the sweetener in this recipe, and it would be just as good if not better. The one I had was made with Erythirtol (non-GMO) and not stevia. Perfection.
50. Walnut Toffee
Ok, yum. These are good to keep around. I don't recommend you snack, or that you eat when you are not hungry or already full, but what if this is just what you want to eat when hungry or just after a meal you don't feel totally full? Delicious. You already know my thoughts on sweeteners. It's a love hate relationship. I use Erythritol.
49. Low Carb Granola
Some of you may miss this "breakfast staple". Most people on a Low Carb diet believe they do best by skipping the first meal of the day and "breaking their fast" later in the day. I think this recipe can be had any time of the day. I enjoy it with Creme Fraiche, but you can also have it with Full-Fat Yogurt and some berries.
48. Mini Keto Cheesecakes
This is one recipe I would NOT change. It is PERFECT. Well, maybe you can try a combination of cream cheese and mascarpone, I've done that before. Again, the sweetener issue, but the last time I made these was in October (it's now February) lol. I'm gonna make them this weekend just cause my mouth is watering by just looking at them.
43. Keto Chicken Fingers
This recipe calls for ground chicharrones or pork rinds. I use unflavoured ones and then spice them up with garlic, onion and ginger powder, salt and pepper. My kids love these. I also don't use the Parmesan cheese, but I've an awesome Parmesan chicken recipe here before. They eat them with a sauce (sour cream, marinara, etc). Also, I usually use left over chicken, so it's precooked.
42. Poke Bowl/Salad
This is a popular Hawaiian dish made with sushi grade salmon/tuna. I have made it and I loved it. You can change it as much as you want. The 'bowl" recipe calls for rice. You can sub cauliflower rice, I'm sure it will taste delish. I have read a recipe that used crushed Macadamia nuts, I hear added fat, I love it.
41. BLT Sushi
The reason why I like this recipe is because it gave me great ideas into a number of sushi recipes. You can use zucchini slices instead of bacon; make sure you use homemade mayo; cucumber always tastes great in sushi; i would add some sesame seeds to mine; avocado FOR SURE; how about some seafood? I am sure you guys will add some great stuff too.
40. Zucchini Fried Cakes (aka Fritters)
I've looked around for the perfect recipe for these. The perfect recipe is going to be made by you. You will perfect this. You may omit the flaxseeds, or add more or less almond flour/coconut flour. You may fry them in lard/bacon fat. You may change the type of cheese (Parmesan or mozzarella or a combination). Lastly, I love these with sour cream and dill or chives (or you can stick with the high fat Greek yoghurt - if you find it!!)
39. Avocado Pesto
So Pesto is an Mediterranean paste traditionally used in pastas. Of course we Keto people use it on zucchini noodles (zoodles), I lather it on salmon, I also use it as a salad dressing (which is AWESOME). The traditional pesto recipe uses basil leaves, pine nuts, garlic, olive oil, salt and parmesan cheese. Nothing wrong with it. At all. To change things up, you can make it with other greens (i.e. spinach) or other nuts (i.e. walnuts, macadamia nuts-higher in fat). If you top the original recipe with more olive oi in you mason jar, you can keep it in fridge forever (not really forever). This avocado recipe has to be used immediately, or keep in fridge for up to 4 hours. You can freeze it though. This recipe calls for water instead of olive oil. I am assuming that's because the avocado already has fat...nonsense...add olive oil/avocado oil instead of the water, in my humble opinion.
37. Mini Low-Carb Shepherd's Pot Pie
I make a lot of these mini pies, with a similar crust. I've even made mini cheese-cakes (recipe to follow, *caution sweetener). This is a great recipe. Feel free to change up the spices. I like it without the cauliflower mash and with some spices (Keto Jamaican Patty version, recipe to follow).
36. Parchment Baked Chicken Breast-3 ways
So if you are going to eat chicken breasts (as opposed to the fattier cuts of chicken with skin like thigh and wing...) this is how you want to do it. I like how they added fat to every recipe. I am not sure where the Potato-Barbecue recipe came from, out of left-field, but just ignore that one, hence why I call it 3-ways and not 4-ways. Feel free to add more fat on your plate (butter, homemade mayo, olive oil, etc).
34. Cheese Taco Shells (or cheese bowls)
You can adapt this recipe to make taco shells, cheese bowl or cheese chips to eat with guac and other dips. Also this recipe is adaptable to conventional ovens or microwave. Shaping this into cheese bowls is a bit trickier, because you have to press down the hot cheese between two equal bowls and parchment paper until it hardens. It's an art that can be easily mastered, and worth it, my kids love eating out of a cheese bowl!
31. Keto Egg Roll
I'll have you know that making up this recipe granted me the title of "Food Genius" by my husband. That's HUGE! I was trying to come up with a new Fat Fast Recipe, and came up with this, while trying to make something else. There's egg, bacon, cheese, pork rinds, and it tastes delicious. Another "Keto Heaven" recipe. Sorry about my not so professional pictures.
29. Cod (Fish) Cakes
Bring on the Portuguese jokes. Yes, Portuguese eat cod fish, LOTS OF IT. You can make these cakes with any white fish, salmon or a mixture. It will work. We could all use a bit more fish in our diet, ok? These are awesome on their own or with a nice dip. Mayo will do. Traditionally eaten as an app with some olives on the side.
I've modified this recipe, basically use cauliflower instead of potato, and fry in saturated fat (lard), or bake.
28. Keto Salads
What's the go-to recipe in every "diet"? Salads. In the Keto world, although the go-to meal seems to be Bacon and Eggs, hands down, I personally enjoy salads regularly. I don't have a salad "recipe", I just throw in whatever I have around, make sure I have an appropriate amount of protein in there (and not too much), enough fat (and that means adding more fat), and a healthy (normally homemade, and fatty) dressing. So my salads have: greens, fatty meats/fish, nuts/seeds, eggs, bacon, and a mayo-type dressing. Delish!
Here's a link to lots of Keto salad recipes to give you some ideas.
26. Homemade Mayo
This is a must-have. It can be used as the base for other sauces and dressings. Please note that store-bought mayo is NOT Keto. Check ingredients (canola oil?). I make it with avocado oil cause the organic olive oil that I use is strong and I prefer the olive oil on salads and soups.
We make this once a week, and store in fridge for up to 5 days or so. After that it's no good, make a new one.
25. FatHead Crackers
"FatHead"-anything is basically a Keto-option for traditional dishes, in this case, for crackers, or pizza, etc. The trick here is to roll out the dough in between two pieces of parchment paper. Always eat with a fatty dip: guacamole, blue-cheese dip, Magic Dip, etc.
24. Cauliflower Fried Rice
By now you know that cauliflower is the "saving grace" of Keto. It's Mr/Mrs Do-It-All! I chose this recipe because it's one of the few I found that doesn't suggest canola oil...bla. But it does use sesame seed oil, which let's face it, gives it that Asian flavour. But it is a seed oil, and these should be avoided. Lastly, it uses Edamame, which is like green peas, but has half the net carb count. I modify this, a lot. I add more fat (bacon fat), and shrimp, and sometimes use coconut aminos instead of Tamari sauce. Enjoy!
**Vegetarian Option: in recipe
23. Fried Mozzarella Cheese Sticks
As always, I've modified this recipe, of course. I fried them in bacon fat/lard. I didn't use cheese sticks, instead I bought a block of mozzarella and sliced it. I also season the pork rinds (garlic, onion powder). Serve with your favourite home-made marinara sauce (mine is SPICY!)
**Vegetarian Option: Use almond flour/meal instead of pork rinds
22. Ratatouille-My Way
It sounds fitting that I named this dish Ratatouille, because the French, whether they know it or not, are very Keto. I make this meal very often, like every Wednesday (long story...). There really should be no recipe attached here, cause you could make this with anything. You need fat, veggies, eggs and bang! Bring your appetite!
21. Shrimp Zucchini Pasta
I had this meal with a fork and spoon because I could not let ANY of that sauce escape me! If you like Thai food, feel free to change the heavy cream for coconut milk and other spices.
The shrimp, chorizo and tomato that I used had been previously frozen. The shrimp was leftovers from a previous meal. Simple garlic shrimp cooked in bacon fat and butter. That made this meal super simple and ultra fast.
18. Best Keto Bread EVER (that's what it's called!)
This is HUGE! I finally found it. THE Keto bread recipe. I did add psyllium (and a bit of water because of the psyllium) and 1 tbsp of bread yeast for the flavour! A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. I'll keep the other bread recipe up here just in case you want to compare. You tell me...
PS. I always slice and freeze my breads in individual portions (2 slices), and then toast.
PSS. You HAVE to separate the eggs.

14. "Magic Dip"
It's called "Magic" because this is how I got my picky-eater to eat lots of things! It still works. No source cause I made this up, so here goes full recipe.
½ cup sour cream; 1 tsp dill; ½ tsp garlic powder; ½ tsp onion powder; salt and pepper to taste
Mix all ingredients and serve with veggies or cracklings.
9. Chicken Cracklings
Of course you've heard of pork crackling and pork rinds. But what if you are not really into pork, or want to change things up? This is it, my friends. You can make other cracklings too, duck or turkey, for example. This is awesome if you are on a Fat Fast. Try it with a cheese dip....See Full Recipe.
8. 90-Second Bread
What if I told you that you could make a bread in 90 seconds, and it tastes good AND it's Low Carb. Too good to be true? You tell me. Also known as bread-in-a-mug. I have modified this recipe many times by adding spices (garlic powder), different types of cheese and substituting some of the flour for psyllium husk or ground flax seed. Check out the full recipe.

5. LCHF Waffles
I have no link for this item as I have modified it to PERFECTION! This is a LIBERAL LCHF recipe perfect for kids. Each waffle has about 18 g carbs and they are DELICIOUS, gluten-free and dairy-free.
2 cups almond flour
2 cups tapioca flour
8 eggs
1 cup unsweetened applesauce
1 tsp salt
1 tbsp yeast
1 tbs flaxseed *optional
1 cup almond milk
Mix all ingredients, warm up waffle maker, place about 1/4 cup of batter in each section, bake until done. Makes LOTS so eat some and then freeze the others. Frozen waffles can be slightly reheated in toaster before serving. Serve with (full fat) whipped cream, homemade unsweetened strawberry sauce, or just butter for lower carb.
A basic quick bread that can be enjoyed as toast for breakfast to complement eggs, to make a sandwich for lunch, or as a dinner appetizer. 1.1g net carbs
Recipes will be updated frequently. Feel free to add a link to the comments!
All recipes are Low Carb, many are strict Keto recipes, some are FF (Fat Feast recipes) and a few are Paleo. If you want to know the exact amount of carbs and other nutrients, you will have to macro count using an app, unless otherwise specified.
*All recipes should be properly referenced and linked.
**Vegetarian options noted in recipes (if applicable)