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Yesterday, I had a very interesting conversation with my urologist...


After 7 days in #hospital and returning #home to my family, I’m #grateful to be #recovering nicely, albeit SLOWLY.


A pending #lowgradefever, change in #medication, constant #hematuria ... all these normal for someone coming out of #pyelonephritis and #sepsis.


My other complaint was increased #Hunger AND #CRAVINGS


I admitted to my doctor that since being home I’d given in to the “insulin beast”.


By the second day, I was #snacking in the evening and had a full bag of chips, gummies, and a box of smarties.


Day 3, I had croissants, 2 bowls of pasta and 3 tangerines (why do I have all the foods in my house you ask? That’s for another discussion...)


I was expecting my doctor to tell me these were all “normal” symptoms in response to my medication. But that’s NOT what he said.


I was pleasantly surprised he was aware of #insulinresistance and #metabolicsyndrome. He reminded me that after such a serious #infection in all “animals” there’s a compensatory mechanism that sends signals to the body. We know one of these messengers to be #insulin.


His advice to me was simple: #lowcarb #realfood and even though he didn’t say #intermittentfasting he said “stop eating all the time”.


He said, if you continue on this spiral, you’re going to gain #weight, raise your #bloodsugars and get #sick . Just #stop he said. It’s not the meds!


“The teacher became the student.” As my colleague John said, “I’m a human coach”. I am not an alien, I am not different than any of my clients. We are physiologically very similar in our hormonal responses, especially to insulin.


I wanted the excuse to keep eating my #junkfood and #carbs.


No more excuses. As of yesterday, I’m #backtobasics. Woke up feeling like a brand new person.


Have a look at my #blogs for how to get started (or restarted).
What is Fat Fasting and when should you do it ...




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